(scroll down to the end for the Dutch version / scroll naar beneden voor de Nederlandse versie)
I'm a musicfan from the Netherlands. In 1985 I started to take my first photocamera to concerts. In 1989 I bought a Canon EOS 600 with a Sigma AF 70-210 mm-lens aand in 2001 I started working with a digital camera. Nowadays I use a Canon EOS 60D with a Sigma 28-105 mm-lens and a Sigma 70-200 mm-lens. I use a Canon Powershot G1-X too.
I think a good photo says a lot about the concert. Therefore I try not to flash. Because the lighting used at a concert should correspond to the artist's wishes and should say a lot about the concert as well. Sometimes I have to flash, because otherwise it would be too dark to take photos. I don't like it that much taking photos at concerts with musicians without expression on their face. For me, at a concert there has to happen something. It's amusement (whether it's political or not).
I hope you enjoy looking at my photos. I changed the original size. Feel free to use them for private use, but only with the copyright-mark on them. If possible, make a link to this site. I like to hear what you think about them. You can click HERE to mail me. But you have to take out [remove_this] from the adress to mail me.
You can only use my photos for commercial use, when you have my approval.
I like taking photographs, so don't hesitate to contact me if you want me to take photos for you.
A list where my photos appeared (apart from the photos on the internet):
- Centrale Bibliotheek Utrecht jan. 1991 (some of my photos were part of the exhibition about 5 years anniversary Ekko)
- Vonpopp 1993 (promo Human Beings)
- Vogon Poetry-cd 1998 (some little photos of the bandmembers on the innersleeve)
- Music Minded may/june 1998 (concertreview with photo the Cramps Paradiso 1998), the scan of the photo is HERE, the scan of the article is HERE
- P-magazine (Belgium) june 2004 (interview Nona Hendryx with a photo of me) ; the scan of the article is HERE
- Centraal Museum Utrecht june-july 2004 (some photos were part of the exhibition about 50 years of popmusic in Utrecht)
- cover jaarrekening 2007 Paradiso Amsterdam with a photo of AmyWinehouse, the scan is HERE
- the book The compendium finale of comtemporary jewellers 2008 volume 1 2009 (photos of the jewellery of Susanne Boger) ; the scans are here: Mixed media, Silver and bamboo,
Silver and textile, Wands_Alpaca, paper and seeds
- Kasba-cd Darna (2009) (some little photos on the innersleeve)
- Aardschok-magazine june 2009 (concertreview Suicidal Tendencies Melkweg Amsterdam 2009 with a photo of Suicidal Tendencies)
- International Jewellery Air Fair 2009 Westergasfabriek Amsterdam (photo of the jewellery of Susanne Boger in the catalogue)
-Tetterode Amsterdam (photo AmyWinehouse part of the exhibition Stand van zaken Kunst uit Tetterode octobre 15-17, 2010)
- Incubate (photo AmyWinehouse part of the exhibition Open Source Expo octobre 10-16, 2012)
My photos on other sites you can find in the LINKS-section.
Some photos were on the internet for some time, but the site doesn't exist anymore:
- Lee Aaron (three photos from concerts in 1985 in Rotterdam and in Tilburg. The website leeaaron.net closed down, when leeaaron.com started). One photo is HERE on my Flickr-account.
- Orphanage (one photo from Tivoli Utrecht 3-2-2000. The website closed down, because the band doesn't exist anymore. The photo is HERE on my Flickr-account.
- Silent Minority Records (four photos from the Silent Minority Uproar bandavond Paradiso Amsterdam 21-1-2004: Propeller, Blues Brother Castro, Coparck and We vs. Death were on their website. The website closed down, because the record company doesn't exist anymore). Some photos are on my Flickr-account: Skip the rush, Blues Brother Castro-1, Blues Brother Castro-2, Coparck, We vs. Death-1 and We vs. Death-2.
- Ruigoord (photos Ballonnengezelschap - Open Inrichting 28-12-2005 and Ballonnengezelschap - Uitburgeren 28-12-2009 (the photos are not on their site anymore). You can see a lot of photos from that yearly event on my Flickr-account (right now HERE, HERE and HERE).
- the Gathering (eight photos from Paradiso Amsterdam 2-3-2004) (this official fansite doesn't exist anymore). On my Flickr-account you can see two of them: HERE and HERE.
- Killer Bananazz (one photo from their show in Panama Amsterdam (2002?) ) (this site doesn't exist anymore)
- MSN group Danny Mommens en Els Pyrnoo (two photos Vive la fête in Paradiso Amsterdam, one 16-6-2004 and one 1-1-2005) (this site doesn't exist anymore) . One photo is HERE on my Flickr-account.
- 3voor12 Amsterdam
(Various photos, see below. Except where stated these are not my reviews. The
link to their site is not working anymore, but I copied the pages and put some
of them on my Flickr-account HERE. The layout is not like it was originally)
1. concertreview (in Dutch) John Legend Paradiso Amsterdam 28-5-2005 with three photos
2. concertreview (in Dutch) Mooie Noten 2005-finale Vondelpark Amsterdam 12-6-2005 with eight photos (Pnihx, van Bosch, John Lester, Gaston Dorren, Green Lizard, Benny Sings, La Kidda and Ron Klerkx)
3. concertreview (in Dutch) Dinosaur jr. Paradiso Amsterdam 14-6-2005 with one photo
4. concertreview (in Dutch) Suicidal Birds Paradiso Amsterdam 14-6-2005 with two photos
5. concertreview (in Dutch) the Anacondas Bitterzoet Amsterdam 24-6-2005 with three photos
6. concertreview by myself (in Dutch) Sunn O))) Paradiso Amsterdam 28-6-2005 with three photos
7. concertreview by myself (in Dutch) White Cowbell Oklahoma Melkweg Amsterdam 29-6-2005 with four photos
8. concertreview (in Dutch) Roisin Murphy Paradiso Amsterdam 1-7-2005 with three photos
9. concertreview by myself (in Dutch) Stereo Total 11 Amsterdam 8-7-2005 with two photos
10. concertreview (in Dutch) Spelen voor de GRAP Melkweg Amsterdam 28-8-2005 with three photos (Malle Pietje en de Bimbo's, David Gilmour Girls and Zomotta)
11. concertreview (in Dutch) Mick Harvey Melkweg Amsterdam 9-9-2005 with one photo and one photo of Simon Breed
12. concertreview (in Dutch) Subbacultcha (labelnight) Bitterzoet Amsterdam 26-9-2005 with one photo of Harry Merry, one photo Sykosonics and two photos 3-1. This is a link to the label Subbacultcha
13. concertreview (in Dutch) Zuco 103 Paradiso Amsterdam 28-9-2005 with two photos and one of Nobody beats the drum
14. concertreview (in Dutch) A Sonic Rendezvous Paradiso Amsterdam 30-9-2005 with fourteen photos (Two Cow Garage, Chelsea Hotel, T99, Kevin Kinney, Seatsniffers, the Apers, Rude Rich and the Highnotes)
14. concertreview (in Dutch) 10 jaar Topnotch Melkweg Amsterdam 8-10-2005 with twenty-six photos (one photo Def Rhymz, three photos Opgezwolle, two photos Jeugd van Tegenwoordig, two photos DuvelDuvel, two photos Extince, one photo Typhoon, two photos Jawat, two photos Kiddo Cee, two photos Kubus, three photos K-Liber, two photos Opposites, two photos Raymtzer and two photos U-Niq). This is a link to the label Topnotch
15. concertreview (in Dutch) Arctic Monkeys Paradiso Amsterdam 1-11-2005 with one photo.
16. concertreview (in Dutch) About Paris, the Flesh and Jai Alai Savant OCCII Amsterdam 26-11-2005 with two photos from each band.
17. concertreview (in Dutch) Kindred Spirits Weekender Paradiso Amsterdam 28-11-2005 with two photos Heavy, one photo Ivana Santilli and one photo Rich Medina. This is a link to the label Kindred Spirits
18. concertreview (in Dutch) Grote Prijs van Nederland finale Hiphop/RnB Paradiso Amsterdam 23-12-2005 with two photos Jawat, one photo Djiggy Djé, one photo Ninthe, one photo MOD the Black Marvel and one photo Flinke Namen. This is a link to the organisation Grote Prijs van Nederland
Some of my reviews are part of the LINKS-section. Other written things about music appeared in:
1. Music minded 1998 (concertreviews Junkie XL, Anouk, Soulfly, Limp Bizkit, the Cramps and the Nomads; various albumreviews; article Guano Apes; interview (hed)pe). When the text is in red, the text is hyperlinked to a scan).
The version of this story in Dutch:
Ik ben een muziekfanaat uit Nederland. In 1985 begon ik mijn eerste cameraatje mee te nemen naar concerten. In 1989 kocht ik een Canon EOS 600 with a Sigma AF 70-210 mm-lens en in 2001 begon ik digitaal te fotograferen. Tegenwoordig gebruik ik een Canon EOS 60D met een Sigma 28-105 mm-lens en een Sigma 70-200 mm-lens. Ook gebruik ik een Leica V-lux2.
Ik denk dat een goede foto veel over een concert zegt. Daarom probeer ik niet te flitsen. Want het gebruikte licht bij een concert hoort overeen te komen met de wensen van de artiest en zou ook veel over het concert moeten zeggen. Soms moet ik flitsen, omdat het anders te donker zou zijn om een foto te kunnen maken. Ik hou er niet zo van om foto's te maken bij concerten, waar muzikanten er als zoutzakken bij staan zonder enige expressie op hun gezicht. Voor mij moet er iets gebeuren bij een concert. Het is amusement (of het nou wel of niet geëngageerd is).
Ik hoop dat je het leuk vind om mijn foto's te bekijken. Ik heb het originele formaat veranderd. Als je foto's voor eigen gebruik wilt gebruiken, is dat prima. Zolang je het copyright-teken maar laat staan. En zo mogelijk met een link naar mijn site. Laat even weten, wat je van mijn foto's vind. Mijn mailadres staat HIER gelinkt. Om me te kunnen mailen moet je [remove_this] uit het mailadres weghalen.
Wanneer je mijn foto's voor commerciële doeleinden wilt gebruiken, moet je mijn toestemming hebben.
Ik hou van fotograferen, dus aarzel niet om contact met me op te nemen als je foto's wilt laten maken.
Zie onderaan de Engelstalige versie voor de lijst, waar mijn foto's gestaan hebben (naast de internetfoto's), en enkele recensies en artikelen.